Asdcz - Zczaq - Zestaw słówek do nauki języka hiszpańskiego.
Słówko po hiszpańsku: | Słówko po polsku: |
hums | noise |
tremble | vibrate |
indicate | show |
sigh | westchnienie |
intimate | private |
guard | cover |
appropriate | right |
mutual | common |
inclined | willing |
doodle | scrible |
idly | bezcynnie |
scheduled | planned |
whereby | wherefore |
glassy | vitreous |
fold | compose |
nodding | totter |
fist | duke |
consequence | result |
due | because of |
bear | wear |
resemblance | similary |
Hereby | like |
hums | noise |
tremble | vibrate |
indicate | show |
sigh | westchnienie |
intimate | private |
guard | cover |
appropriate | right |
mutual | common |
inclined | willing |
doodle | scrible |
idly | bezcynnie |
scheduled | planned |
whereby | wherefore |
glassy | vitreous |
fold | compose |
nodding | totter |
fist | duke |
consequence | result |
due | because of |
bear | wear |
resemblance | similary |
Hereby | like this |